All Architectural services
Conceptual Plans

Stage 1 We create your vision with concept plans that comply with your council’s town planning guidelines in preparation for your application for resource consent.

This is about materialising your ideas into scale modelled 3D computer models. You are able to see every part of your building in complete 3D so that you can easily see the finished product.

Construction Drawings

Stage 2  Your concept design is then taken to a level of drawings where professionals can price your work, and builders can build it. Construction drawings include all the detailed drawings required and can be up to 30-50 pages of drawings .This is our largest portion of the work.

Building Consents

We process all our construction drawings through to a complete building consent stage. This requires answering council’s questions for further information. When building consented your plans are finalised and accurate tender pricing from builders can be requested. We can help with that stage if you require our further services to select the builder.

Resource Consents
These complicated processes are all made easier for you by us. We will either engage a planning expert (for larger projects) or we will provide the services for resolving any council requirements to achieve your resource consent. Sometimes by not creating infringements on district plan rules. We can avoid the resource consent process for you.

Contract Administration

Site Observation

Stage 3 Should you require our full services we can help with a better management process for your progress on the construction site.

EG: When the contractor requests a progress payment we will inspect and record the work completed to date and check it is built in accordance with the drawings. Then we will approve that payment.

 We can also help to solve the more complicated problems that usually occur when a building is built.

Or for example if you decide that you want changes to the building work at such a late stage we will need to implement these.

Subdivision Plans

We can draw subdivision plans.Your subdivision resource consent application will require a scheme plan of the proposed new dwellings.

Please do not undervalue a design service that is guaranteed to increase the value of your property, as then you get more success from a higher valued product at the end of the job.

"To simplify is an art - understanding when simplicity is beauty - less is more"
Trust or Integrity - we protect our clients interests- this is the Architects Code of Practice .

Greater resale value of your property generated by better design. University trained designers are an investment .
Do you want a refined State of the Art building that is timeless in its ability to remain in-vogue and stylish in future years.
Will the next generations enjoy or be burdened by your building?. We are trained to higher standards of design.

We consider the larger picture , all forces acting on that site. 

Environmental sustainability- Environmental forces- Market demand- Fashionable trends- Building materials (wood ,steel, etc) and their Artistic language - The style or language of the building from the context or surroundings and the clients style, Human behaviour and future scenarios, Critical creative thinking from "outside the box " problem solving,  Added property value = higher resale market value.

The design skills required take a long period of study to understand.  Does a brilliant musician not require years of training ? The same is for quality Architecture . 

 Architecture should be beautiful to look at and experience. If it is not it must be rejected as not acceptable. 

We are trained in disciplined design principles that when applied with skill are guaranteed to result in a better resolved and healthier building for the well being of its occupants .

Frank Lloyd Wright stated  "Architects crimes are permanent " this is because it is very hard to change after it is built. 

He was so wright.

Only a disciplined approach to  proportions , patterns , details, materials, masses and how they affect the balance and harmony of a building can get a well resolved design result. Real design is a refining process that must go through a cyclic process of creating and improvement.  The optimum  solution is always waiting to be discovered through inquiry and intuitive creative design and questioning or problem solving by critical thinking.

Choose carefully who you allow the responsibility of your greatest investment of your resources. Buildings consume enormous resources.

Will your building be a timeless piece , as a result of good design? 

I sincerely hope you understand the value of what is written here. 

Architects that are good , are an investment . You will know quickly if your Architect is actually good. Change Architects quickly until you are satisfied. Please do not be fooled by "magic words" that bend your opinion and make you accept low standard design. YOU be the judge of the design , trust your reactions and feelings. 

Frank Lloyd Wright stated - judge your Architect by the beauty of his plan.